Restoration of a garden designed by Gustav Allinger, Berlin, Am Schlachtensee 132

Excerpts of the historic garden survey, Bureau Zimmermann, Berlin, 1998

The documentation of two gardens designed by Gustav Allinger in Berlin Zehlendorf consists of two partial surveys, the first part is dedicated to 'Riemeisterstrasse 37' and the second part to the garden 'Am Schlachtensee 132'. Both parts are introduced with a historical documentation. The biographic chapters to G. Allinger are equally shown. The garden 'Am Schlachtensee 132' in Berlin Zehlendorf was already listed by the department for garden monuments of the senate administration for town development and environmental protection Berlin, in January 1989. The garden was designed by Gustav Allingers in 1935. It remained to a large extent in its original design. There are historical and town planning characteristics of general interests. That applies in particular to the terrace range and the garden parts in front of the house. The draft of the original garden is recorded in different publications for several times. Allinger presented the garden in his probably most well-known publication 'Der deutsche Garten'. For conservatory reasons all intended structural changes have to be coordinated with the office for garden monuments in Berlin, the Landesdenkmalamt. Next to other things a task of the office for garden monuments is, to consult the owners by developping plans for the restoration of their gardens and/or to examine submitted reconstruction plans and furthermore to supervise the proceeding works in the gardens. As basis for the restoration the bureau Zimmermann was assigned to work out a historic garden survey in 1998. A content of this documentation was, to give apart from the collection and detailed evaluation of possible sources, an exact record on detailed measures. This work produced a record of the existing garden elements (walls, ways, terraces...), a mapping of the existing shrubs and a topographically accurate survey on the garden. The concept for the future development orientates on this historic garden survey. A gradual restoration should be made possible for the garden. The plans were taken on a scale of 1:100 and are appropriate for the survey.



Fig.1: schematic representation of the topographic garden plan with its "garden rooms"



Fig. 2a and 2b.: The garden in the condition of 1998 and the projected view to the lake



Literature used in the survey

ALLINGER, Gustav: Vom Wesen der Form in der Garten- und Landschaftsgestaltung, in: Gartenkunst, 3/1941.
ALLINGER, Gustav: Der deutsche Garten, München, 1950.
GEBER, Hans: Architekten als Bauherren, in: Monatshefte für Baukunst und Städtebau, Jahrgang 21, Heft 12, Berlin, 1937.
GOTHEIN, Marie Luise: Geschichte der Gartenkunst, 2.Bd., Jena, 1926.
GRÖNING, Gert, WIEDERMANN, Dagmar: Findbuch Gustav Allinger, Nachlaß schriftlicher und fotografischer Teil, Teil 1-3, unveröffentlicht, Berlin, 1991.
GRÖNING, Gert; WOLSCHKE-BUHLMANN, Joachim: Grüne Biographien, Berlin, 1997.
HORTEC, Garten- und Landschaftsplanung GbR: Denkmalpflegekonzeption für die Allinger-Anlage am Elsterbecken (Leipzig) im Auftrag des Grünflächenamtes Leipzig, unveröffentlicht, Berlin, 1993.
REITSAM, Charlotte: Gustav Allinger, in: Garten und Landschaft, 2/1998.
SCHREIBER, C. L.: Der deutsche Garten, Eine Besprechung des Werkes von Gustav Allinger mit Bildproben, in: Garten und Landschaft, 1/1951.

Beside the litrature resolving from the regular ltibrary stocks several other archivs were scanned:
Bezirksamt Zehlendorf: Bauakten.
Gartenamt Zehlendorf: Keine Unterlagen vorhanden.
Heimatmuseum Zehlendorf: Kein Archivmaterial bzgl. Hausgärten im Bezirk vorhanden.
Landesarchiv Berlin: Kein Archivmaterial bzgl. Hausgärten in Berlin-Zehlendorf.
Miller, Gabriele und Norbert (heutige Besitzer): mündliche Informationen zur Gartengeschichte.
Plansammlung der Technischen Universität Berlin: Schriftliche und fernmündliche Angaben durch Herrn Radicke, Leiter der Plansammlung und Verwalter des Nachlasses Allingers an der TU Berlin.
Senatsverwaltung für Bauen, Wohnen und Verkehr -V-: Luftbilder.
Steves, Karola (Tochter des Bauherren und ehemaligen Grundstückseigners Hans Geber): Privatfotos und schriftliche Informationen zur Gartengeschichte.
Tiefbauamt Zehlendorf: Tiefbauakten.

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